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Club Activity-Online Business

The Department of Nandkunvarba Mahila College organized a Club Activity for “How to do online business?” under the heading of ‘Creative Club’ for all (Semester – 02 and 04) of students on 28th January from 01:00 PM to 04:30 PM. There was a total of 67 students presented in this activity and out of them, a total of 29 students participated in the activity.

In this activity, there was a total of 6 groups of students who participated and explained about different topics like needs and opportunity for online business, recent scenario of online business, mode, model and medium of online business, procedure and prerequisites of starting online business, website development and maintenance etc. The aim of this activity was to create awareness about different types of mode of online business and encourage for starting online business.

If you Have Any Questions Call Us On 0278 - 2471813/14/15/16/17